Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Love, Life and Jury Duty

Once again...it has been so long since I posted.  I'm sure you really don't care; all you folks out there in blogger land but I'm dissapointed in myself.

I had the pleasure of surving on jury duty for two weeks and two days.  It was one of the hardest experiences of my life.  It was a trial for first degree murder and, while it was somewhat easy to convict this person; the penalty phase was haunting.  This person could have gotten the death penalty; we chose life in prison without the possiblity of parole.  I will spare you all the details because I've found, that no matter how I put in into words, it really doesn't do the situation justice.  What amazes me is how many people have used phrases like "off with his head" or "fry him."  Oh well, everyone is entitled to their opinion but I think those people would find it hard to "fry him" if it was actually their choice and not just their opinion.

Everything else is going really well.  Work is great.  Nathan is a challage sometimes but, hey, we can't all be perfect like me...right???  The lesson in my new relationship is...be careful what you wish for!  Isn't karma a funny thing?  All of the petty things I used to get mad at Greg for; now I'm getting in trouble for.  Poor Greg, I was really too hard on him.  Live and learn...right?

Okay, enough blah blah.  I'm going to find something super fantasic to post about next time...with pictures!  Oh boy...look out! 

Oh, and Ruth still eats poop!  The joy!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


So I have a dog that eats crap...poop...sh*t.  It is so freaking gross that I just had to share it with all of you in blogger land. 

Now before you say anything about her being under fed...I assure you, that's not the case.  I even confirmed it with my vet.  He gave me some very special pills that are supposed to turn her poop from the delicious treat it is into something that tastes, well, like crap!  However, the rub with this plan is that we have three other dogs SO...if her poop isn't yummy enough then she just moves on to someone else's poop...OF COURSE!

I've tried to just ignore it and blame it on the fact that she's a dog but I really just can't stand it anymore.  My beautiful, wonderful, awsome dog eats poop!  I'm horrified!  She stinks and I think the last straw happened when she went to kiss Nathan and burped in his face.  I'm sure you can all imagine how that smelled.

So, I'm very sorry that I've felt the need to share this crappy part of my life; no pun intended.  Thanks for listening and please let me know if you have any suggestions.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bad Blogger

I've realized that I'm a really bad blogger.  I have so many thoughts, ideas and pictures but I never seem to get them on my blog.  So...just for this moment I'm going to give you a few thoughts from life.

I love my new job!  It is so dang awesome.  I can't tell you how wonderful it is to work at a company that acutally wants you there and not feel like you have a huge target on your back every day.  I'm working hard and learning a ton of new stuff.  I owe my success to my friend/boss Michelle.  She is being so patient with me as I learn all of the new programs and policies at this company; and trust me, they gotta few! 

Nathan and I went to San Fran with a couple of friends and had a blast.  I do have some pics I've been meaning to post but you see how well that's going.  We went to Alcatraz and, with much whining by Nathan, we went on the tour of the prison.  It was facinating.  I couldn't imaging being locked inside a prison, on an island, for year upon year. 

Greg's baby Sam is getting bigger each day.  He sends me pictures and she is really beautiful.  I'd like to see her more but I don't want to make Jincy feel weird.  I know I would probably feel weird if the role was reversed.

I learned my friend Jennifer lost her dad on Sunday.  Since I just lost my dad last August, I know how she must feel.  I'm sorry Jen! 

My friend Lisa...some of you know her...had her fourth baby yesterday.  His name is Bransen and I'm sure he is going to be as wonderful as her other three little ones.  I can't believe she and Eric have been together since high school...so awesome!  They have both turned out to be great people and great parents; I didn't really have any doubts.

So there is my blah blah blah.  I hope everyone out there in blogger land is doing well.  I enjoy reading your blogs so much.  Thank you for being more on top of it then I am!

Friday, January 8, 2010

I know it's strange but...

I know it's strange but I'm in love with Greg's new little daughter Samantha.  You think it's weird and I think its weird but I can't help the way I feel.  Greg and I didn't get divorced because we hated each other. Most of you know Greg and know what a wonderful person he is and what a great father he is going to make.

I am so blessed that it has worked out that we can be a part of each other's lives even after everything we have been through.  I am so happy for him and Jincy and I pray that they enjoy a happy wonderful life with each other and their new daughter.

Please try and see where I'm coming from and see how wonderful this situation is.  Greg and I will always be family because family isn't just those who are blood relations; they are people who you choose to have in your life and keep close because we love them and they love us back.  I'm glad that Greg is still in my life and our little, strange family, has just gotten a little bigger.