So I have a dog that eats*t. It is so freaking gross that I just had to share it with all of you in blogger land.
Now before you say anything about her being under fed...I assure you, that's not the case. I even confirmed it with my vet. He gave me some very special pills that are supposed to turn her poop from the delicious treat it is into something that tastes, well, like crap! However, the rub with this plan is that we have three other dogs SO...if her poop isn't yummy enough then she just moves on to someone else's poop...OF COURSE!
I've tried to just ignore it and blame it on the fact that she's a dog but I really just can't stand it anymore. My beautiful, wonderful, awsome dog eats poop! I'm horrified! She stinks and I think the last straw happened when she went to kiss Nathan and burped in his face. I'm sure you can all imagine how that smelled.
So, I'm very sorry that I've felt the need to share this crappy part of my life; no pun intended. Thanks for listening and please let me know if you have any suggestions.
1 week ago
I think it's great! A dog who cleans up after it's self!! The only thing better would be if he'd use the toiledt to do it! TEE HEE!! J/k Tha is prett gross, not a dog person here so no advice but hang it there!