Yes, my friends...after a year long battle with Countrywide and now Bank of America...I finally got my loan modification. It came from Fed Ex yesterday and I can honestly say that I haven't been this excited/relieved in a really long time.
This year has been a rough one on me; just as it has on everyone. While I know my problems are small in comparison to the world at large; I must say that sometimes, in my own little world, my problems seem huge.
This year has been filled with getting divorced, my house almost getting forclosed, my dad passing away and now having to change jobs. At times I felt that my brain would never have a moments peace again. However, last night I woke up in the middle of the night, as I usually do, but this time I realized that I was awake because I was actually excited instead of worried; full of promise in lieu of angst. I feel like a rebirth has happened with these new loan docs and I'm ready to start again.
I also want to thank all my friends for listening to me bitch and moan about this for the last year, okay maybe longer. I will now try and share my good vibes with all of you.
1 week ago
Anytime, Wendibird, anytime!